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서울이니셔티브 제17차 정책포럼 개최
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The 17th Policy Consultation Forum of SEOUL INITIATIVE  NETWORK ON  GREEN GROWTH 17th SINGG Net Zero Emissions 01 November  2022 13:00 ? 16:00 (Indochina Time, Bangkok) Background The Seventeenth Policy Consultation Forum of  the SINGG will be organized with the theme Programme Session 1 1Carbon Neutrality Strategy of Asia and the Pacific Countries Moderator : Mr. Sangmin Nam (EDD Director, UN ESCAP) Carbon Neutral Recovery Roadmap of Indonesia  Medrilzam, BAPPENAS 2 New Zealand’s Net Zero path and local level implications  Christina Hood, Compass Climate 3 Kazakhstan’s Carbon Neutrality Implementation Strategy  Peter Howie, Nazarbayev University 4 Carbon Neutrality & Net Zero strategy of Thailand  Jirawat Ratisoonthorn, ONEP  Session 2 Case of Sectoral Policy for Carbon Neutrality Implementation Moderator : Ms. Katinka Weinberger (UN ESCAP) 1? ? The Shepherd Carbon Capture & Storage Project  Sungil Hong, Samsung Engineering 2 Joint Crediting Mechanism for Carbon Neutrality in AP region Tatsuya Yanase, ADB 3 Updated Singapore Green Plan 2030 & revised Carbon Tax levels Danielle Yeow, National University of Singapore 4 Maldives’s Climate Emergency Bill Ahmed Ali, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology  Featured speakers Remarks Kaveh Zahedi, UN ESCAP Hanseung Kum, Ministry of Environment, ROK Session 1 [Moderator] Sangmin Nam, UN ESCAP Carbon Neutral Recovery Roadmap of Indonesia Medrilzam, BAPPENAS New Zealand’s Net Zero path and local level implications Christina Hood, Compass Climate Kazakhstan’s Carbon Neutrality Implementation Strategy Peter Howie, Nazarbayev University Carbon Neutrality & Net Zero strategy of Thailand Jirawat Ratisoonthorn, ONEP Session 2 [Moderator] Katinka Weinberger, UN ESCAP The Shepherd Carbon Capture & Storage Project Sungil Hong, Samsung Engineering Joint Crediting Mechanism for Carbon Neutrality in AP region Tatsuya Yanase, ADB Updated Singapore Green Plan 2030 & revised Carbon Tax levels Danielle Yeow, National University of Singapore Maldives’s Climate Emergency Bill Ahmed Ali, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology  The 17th Policy Consultation Forum of  Seoul Initiative Network on Green Growth

